Student Health Center re-accredited

The University of Alabama Student Health Center and Pharmacy, which is operated by UA’s College of Community Health Sciences, was re-accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care through March 31, 2027.

Accreditation is granted upon completion of an on-site survey conducted by AAHC representatives, who visited the SHCP Feb. 12-13, 2024. During their visit, SHCP health policies and procedures were observed and monitored.

“The accreditation reflects a commitment to providing high quality health care and patient safety and how we do business with the community we serve,” said Dr. Amelia de los Reyes, director of Quality Improvement and Clinic Health Informatics for the SHCP. “Accreditation also provides a continuous review and improvement of our services and speaks to the quality of these services. It states that we meet a set of nationally, endorsed standards in the health care profession, and that we hold ourselves accountable for achieving them.”

The SHCP provides medical services for UA students, including primary health care, women’s health care, mental health care, and nutrition, allergy and immunization services.

The SHCP has been accredited since 1995.