Category: Newsletter

Twentieth class of Rural Medical Scholars graduates

The Rural Medical Scholars Program at The University of Alabama College of Community Health Sciences celebrated a milestone at its convocation in May – the 20th anniversary of the program, which is designed for rural Alabama students who want to become physicians and practice in rural communities. “We are celebrating our 20 years, and recognizing students…

Carroll certified in geriatric pharmacy

Dana Carroll, PharmD, a clinical assistant professor in the College of Community Health Sciences’ Department of Family Medicine, earned certification as a geriatric pharmacist from the Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy. The CCGO, a nonprofit organization created by the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, offers a voluntary certification program for pharmacists, with a focus…

College partner receives UA community engagement award

A Pickens County community organization and partner of the College of Community Health Sciences at The University of Alabama received a community engagement award from UA. Buddy Kirk, Patti Presley-Fuller and Alan Harper, leaders of Friends of the Hospital in Pickens County, were awarded an Outstanding Community Partner-Initiated Engagement Effort Award last month. Kirk is…

UA Matters: Effects of Chronic Stress

Some side effects of stress, like a headache, can be felt immediately. But too much stress over time can wreak havoc on the body. Some chronic health conditions can be attributed to long-term stress, said The University of Alabama’s Dr. Harriet Myers. Here are a few chronic side effects from long-term stress…

Training by UA Professors Helps Head Start Program Win Recognition

A Head Start program in Hale County that is the beneficiary of a grant to faculty at The University of Alabama has received recognition from a national organization. At the 12th International PATHS Conference in Chicago, the Hale County Head Start center was recognized as a PATHS Model School. The Hale County Head Start is…

Spring scholarships awarded to medical students

Four medical students receiving their clinical education at the College of Community Health Sciences were awarded scholarships. Danielle Fincher, a third-year medical student, was awarded the Larry Mayes Endowed Scholarship. The award for 2016 was $2,000. The Larry Mayes Endowed Scholarship is awarded to medical students at the University of Alabama School of Medicine’s Tuscaloosa…

CCHS hosts orientation for incoming medical students

The College hosted 32 University of Alabama School of Medicine students April 28 and 29 who will complete their third and fourth years of medical school in Tuscaloosa. In its role as a regional campus for the School of Medicine, the College provides clinical education for medical students that is oriented toward primary care but…

Grants, fellows and coordinator selected for Health Care Teaching County Partnership

Grants have been funded, fellows have been named and a coordinator has been selected for The University of Alabama and Pickens County Health Care Teaching County Partnership. The partnership of UA and Pickens County and its medical center seeks to provide sustainable health care for the rural county and “real world” training for UA students.…

UA’s Rural Medical Scholars Program Celebrates 20th Class

The Rural Medical Scholars Program at the College of Community Health Sciences will honor the graduates of its 20th class, as well as alumni of the now two-decade-old program, on Sunday, May 1, at Hotel Capstone on The University of Alabama campus.  

Eighth annual Research Day held

Thirty-three posters were presented by faculty, staff, resident physicians and medical students at the College of Community Health Sciences at its 8th annual Research and Scholarly Activity Day on April 7, 2016. Winners were named in three categories: Faculty/Staff Category First Place: “Where are the CCHS Medical School Graduates and What are They Practicing” Principal…