The Drug Delivery Research Group

Our research is centered on the interface of polymers and therapeutics at the nano-micro or macro-scale to prevent, manage or treat diseases using drugs or drug-like compounds or their combinations. We apply innovative delivery strategies to existing small or large molecules to improve the risk vs benefit ratio; realize new indications; or apply the innovative delivery technologies early on in the drug discovery program to minimize the attrition rates.

Ongoing Projects

Current Research Funding Sources

NIH National Eye Institute , NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases


We are always looking for motivated and passionate researchers. We seek researchers with any of these backgrounds: vascular and inflammation pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling and polymer synthesis. Motivated individuals can contact Ravikumar with a letter of expression and CV.

Publication Covers

Dru Delivery and Translational Research cover
ACS MAcro Letters cover
JACS cover
The Journal Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics cover
ACH Chemical Neuroscience cover
Royal Society of CHemistry ChemComm cover
ACS Applied Bio Materials cover