James Geyer, MD, FAASM, FAES
Medical Director
Dr. James Geyer is a professor in the Department of Family, Internal, and Rural Medicine (FIRM) at the College of Community Health Sciences and serves as medical director for CCHS Institute for Rural Health Research. Geyer’s research interests include sleep medicine, rural health and health disparities, artificial intelligence and clinical neurophysiology. Geyer is board certified in neurology, sleep medicine and neuroimaging. He is the director of the Sleep Program at Alabama Neurology and Sleep Medicine and also directs several other sleep centers in Alabama. Geyer completed a fellowship in clinical neurophysiology and sleep medicine at the University of Michigan after finishing residency in neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where he was chief resident in his final year. His undergraduate training was in biomedical and electrical engineering at Duke University, and he did postgraduate work in biomedical engineering at UAB. He has authored more than 100 journal articles and book chapters and has edited several textbooks, including Clinical Sleep Disorders.