Our Research
Our research is centered on the interface of polymers and therapeutics at the nano-micro or macro-scale to prevent, manage or treat diseases using drugs or drug-like compounds or their combinations. We apply innovative delivery strategies to existing small or large molecules to improve the risk vs benefit ratio; realize new indications; or apply the innovative delivery technologies early on in the drug discovery program to minimize the attrition rates.
Ongoing Projects
Systemic anti-inflammatory therapy to prevent or delay diabetic cataracts and treat post-surgical inflammation.
Oral delivery of insulin using ligand-directed nanoparticles that do not compete with physiological ligands.
Engineering the next generation nanoparticle cyclosporine A therapy in lupus.
Urolithin A nanoparticle therapy for acute kidney injury.
Community Links
We are always looking for motivated and passionate researchers. We seek researchers with any of these backgrounds: vascular and inflammation pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling and polymer synthesis. Motivated individuals can contact Ravikumar with a letter of expression and CV.
Current Research Funding Sources

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