Home Legislation Who We Serve

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Early Intervention (EI) supports children under 3 with developmental delays, empowering families through training and services to aid their child’s growth. Click here to learn more.

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CRS has clinics statewide that are specialized for the unique needs of many different disabilities. Click here to download a list of each clinic along with their purpose and goals.

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Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) offers tailored employment and education support to individuals with disabilities, collaborating with schools to facilitate transition services and empower self-sufficiency and maximum potential. Click here to learn more.

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The VRS Blind and Deaf Program offers specialized support statewide through four key programs, delivered by trained professionals, fostering independence and collaboration for maximum potential.

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SAIL assists Alabamians with significant disabilities to achieve independence through personalized in-home support, education, vocational services, and advocacy for enhanced quality of life.