If you need medical records from The University of Alabama Student Health Center and Pharmacy (SHCP) please complete the Authorization to Disclose Medical Records form. This form must have a physical signature. Forms with digital signatures cannot be accepted. Please note, it may take up to 72 hours to process a request.
Submit the authorization to Student Health Center Medical Records by one of the following options:
In Person
You may turn the form in to the receptionist at the SHCP and it will be forwarded to Medical Records personnel for processing.
You may bring the form to the Medical Records office located at 700 Johnny Stallings Drive and we will process your request at that time.

By Mail
Attn: Medical Records Department
Student Health Center Pharmacy
Box 870360
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
This release of information form applies only to records kept by the SHCP.
Often, requested records can be uploaded and made available through the SHCP Patient Portal. However, behavioral health records and entire records cannot be made available in this manner. Medical records cannot be emailed. In accordance with state law, the Alabama Reproduction and Delivery of Medical Records Section 12-321-6.1, a fee will be assessed for providing an entire copy of a medical record.
FORMER STUDENTS: The University of Alabama’s Record Retention Policy is 10 years. You may request prior records; however, they may have been destroyed if longer than 10 years.
If you have questions, please call 205-348-4678.