Health Kit

The SHCP recommends the following health kit supplies. Find a plastic box with good closure. You can purchase first-aid supplies for your kit at the SHCP and charge the items to your student bill.

Contents of a good first-aid kit should include, but are not limited to:

Prescriptions, OTCs and other

Highly recommended

  1. Thermometer

    Reporting and tracking fever

  2. Extra Epi-Pen (if you have RX)

    Severe allergic reactions

  3. Eyewear

    Extra contact lenses or glasses

  4. Topical antibiotic cream

    Decrease infection risk for cuts, abrasions

  5. Instant Wound Seal

    Tend cuts

  6. Hydrocortisone cream

    Helps redness and itching

  7. Acetaminophen

    Pain reliever / head and body aches

  8. Ibuprofen

    Fever / pain / inflammation

  9. Burn free gel

    Minor burn treatment (aloe vera)


  1. Benadryl tablets


  2. Melatonin

    Sleep aid, if needed

  3. Saline nasal spray

    Opens stuffy nose; moisturizes

  4. Cough / Cold Medicine

    Decongestant / expectorant; cough suppression; cold prevention / treatment (Zicam)

  5. Antacid (Pepto or Tums)

    Stomach gas

  6. Immodium AD

    Diarrhea, temporary relief

  7. Sunscreen

    Sun protection

General Supplies

Highly recommended

  1. Face masks (cloth or disposable)

    Prevents spread of infection; have extras on hand

  2. Hand sanitizers > 70% alcohol

    Extra for room / purse/ backpack

  3. Band-Aids (3 sizes)

    Cuts and protection of site

  4. Alcohol wipes


  5. First aid deck of cards

    Quick medical reference


  1. Ace Bandage Sprain

    Support, until further evaluation, if needed

  2. Gauze and medical tape

    To stop bleeding, until further evaluation, if needed

  3. Tweezers

    Remove splinters

  4. Latex or non-latex gloves

    Protection; for simple wound care

  5. Nail clippers

    Hang nails

  6. Small scissors

    Trim or cut

  7. Emergency whistle

    Help signal

  8. Ear plugs

    Improve sleep

  9. Eye mask

    Relaxation and sleep

  10. Small flashlight
